Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Titien's Wedding

My outfit at Titin's kondangan. It's a gold lace blazer and gold glitter black on dress designed by me. I love both color.

Met the front girl a.k.a pager ayu.

Congratulation for Titin and Yudi, hope you have a happy wedding, happy life and happy family. wkwk...

Wew, met my old friends there. It seems like arisan emak - emak. Hehe..

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Beauty Hijab Community Sangata

No Shadow

With Shadow

It's a Hijab Fairy :DD

Done!! Malam ini lagi iseng - iseng bikin logo BHC Sangata...
baru selesai langsung upload hehe...Which one you like??
silahkan dikoreksi ya,,yg mana yg bener :DD

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012