Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Golden Leaf Girls

Golden Leaf is a company as contractor of PT. Kaltim Prima Coal formed by four girls in December 2010. This company manageg Edu - Wisata Kampung Pinang (the first outbound recreation garden in Sangata) bussiness in BPP-UTK (Bumi Pelatihan dan Percontohan Usaha Tani Konservatif) Sangata - East Kutai.

BPP-UTK is a location of Edu Wisata Kampung Pinang in Sangata

The Founders are Rika, Trey, Sasti and me whose shared the same visions and missions in this bussiness. Actually, we have no experience in a bussiness management, we have different majors and out of experience on it. But we never give up and always learning about this bussiness. This is our bright opportunity, so we should to work and study hard.

We are,,,Golden Leaf
Left to right : Sasti, Rika, Me, & Trey

We also have different job concern in GL. There are Rika as Directure, Sasti as Accounting Manager, Trey as Marketing Manager, and me as Secretary and Designer.

From left to right: Me, Rika, Trey & Sasti

Left to right : Sasti, Me, Trey & Rika

We have big visions and missions of this bussiness to motivated for all young people to create some jobs than being job seeker or being producers of job application letter especially the youth in Sangata-East Kutai. At the future we want to rotate of economy with promote their home industry and raise people's environment-friendly character in Sangata - East Kutai. Our motto is One day One thousand smiles of customers. We all still need support and a good mentors as motivator because we'll never stop to learned. So, wish us with success. Thank You.